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Beer Release: Four Seasons Summer Collab is Old-School meets New-Age

Writer's picture: Mother Earth Brew Co.Mother Earth Brew Co.

We're teaming up with San Diego’s Coronado Brewing to release a West-Coast IPA as part of our premier program, The Four Seasons of Mother Earth.


In keeping with the tradition of a collaboration to break up the series of quarterly big stouts, we kept our ‘24 partnership in Socal by joining by craft cohorts, Coronado Brewing for this beer release. The brew celebrates a long-standing relationship between two storied San Diego breweries.


“Going all the way back to ’09, we sat with Rick (Chapman) at the original Coronado Island location to pick his brain and gain some insight into the industry, which was, of course, much different then. Since then both our breweries have been on a similar trajectory and have a lot in common, so it only made sense to work together on this collab. We don’t work with just anyone – particularly when it comes to the Four Seasons program. Working with Coronado is definitely an honor and a sign of mutual respect on both sides.”


-Daniel Love, President – Mother Earth Brew Co.


The brewers describe the beer as an “old-school meets new-age” West Coast IPA, and features some newer hops like Elani and Talus which bring a heavy lemon/lime note, along with delicious ruby red grapefruit, respectively. Simcoe focuses on driving home citrus qualities as well as some tropical fruit thanks to a new crop that veers away from the piney notes it was known for in the past. The result is a clean, dry, 7.3% fruit bomb that is sure to impress modern and classic hop heads alike.


Four Seasons Summer ‘24 is available in retailers the week of June 24th on draft and in 16oz cans or via early release at our tap rooms on Saturday, June 22nd. Find it near you using our beer finder at

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